
Subordinate Units


Chemical Corps Division

On Feb. 8, 1933, former President Chiang, Kai-Shek gave out an official order to General Li, Ren-Tao for establishing “General Military and Political Unit” in Nanjing, specializing military’s chemical knowledge and gas protection in order to fight against Japanese Unit 731’s chemical and biological attacks.

At the beginning stage of establishment, pioneers have experienced countless obstacles with selfless sacrifice and devotion. To avoid international monitoring, the term “General Military and Political Unit” had been used without the terms of chemical or biological; as a result, there was no official Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). On Nov. 7, 1958, official MOS was established and incorporated into military system, being part of combat support units; on Jun. 1, 1962, Chemical Corps Division was officially established, being the highest echelon of Chemical Specialty and in charge of development, establishment, combat readiness, and education and training.

Along with the organizational evolution and adjustment of Kun-lun, Jing-Shi, Jing-Jin projects, Chemical Companies, Battalions, and Groups were structured under regional Army Corps; during this period, there were many progresses such as advanced equipment acquisition, education and training strengthening, and were later equipped and ready for counterterrorist disaster relief, chemical disaster search and rescue, epidemic prevention, contamination prevention and treatment.

Chemical units had been dealing with major events, such as Foot-and-mouth disease, Great earthquake of September 21, Gas contamination treatment, Soil treatment, SARS, Dengue fever prevention and control, Toxic chemical disaster relief, Flood and hurricane decontamination, as well as participating in Nuclear safety, Chemical safety, Counterterrorist disaster relief exercises under national or local governments, comprising a major force of Homeland Security Defense Task Force.

  • 資料更新日期:2023-11-14

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