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FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs recently completed annual live fire exercises at the ranges in Hsinchu and Taichung. The FA soldiers skillfully operated M110A2 and M109A2 Self-Propelled Howitzers to validate training effectiveness and fire coordination mechanism while displaying their wills to defend the nation.

Picture1, FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

Picture2, FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

Picture3, FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

Picture4, FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

Picture5, FA units of the 3rd and 5th TOs completed annual live fire exercises

  • 資料更新日期:2024-03-01

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